Analysis of statistical didactic workshops in R and RStudio held at the Federal University of Pelotas



Digital technologies, R Software, Teaching statistics, University education, Teaching Project


Statistics operates in line with different areas of knowledge and sectors of society. Due to its importance and high applicability, it is essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject. In view of this, a teaching project was designed that would involve students and teachers to develop practical activities related to the content covered in statistics disciplines at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel). The general objective was to report the creation, preparation, challenges, potential, and then discuss the results and evaluations of the didactic workshops developed until 2023 at UFPel. The themes of the didactic workshops were as follows: Descriptive Statistics, Statistical Inference and Experimental Statistics. The data used in this article were obtained from the project's digital collection, team members' memories and evaluation forms made available to students at the end of the workshops. The data obtained from the forms were tabulated and subjected to descriptive statistics analysis with the aid of the R software and RStudio interface. It was noted that the creation and preparation of the workshops provided the project members with the acquisition of theoretical-practical knowledge. In the quantitative analysis of the data, a satisfactory evaluation by the participants was observed. The evaluation form was a fundamental tool for improving and re-editing some workshops, as well as for preparing new themes. These results showed that the project's contribution to the teaching and learning processes has been effective and brings positive perspectives for its continuity.


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How to Cite

Mazzini, A. R. de A., Pereira, G. M., Silva, P. V. da, Real, I. M. da L., Jappe, S. N., & Bierhals, L. E. (2024). Analysis of statistical didactic workshops in R and RStudio held at the Federal University of Pelotas. Sigmae, 13(4), 13–20. Retrieved from



Statistics Education