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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Attach the letter of authorship in a separate file from the manuscript. The model letter of authorship is available
    at the Letter of authorship.

  • In the case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g. articles), ensure that there is no identification of the authors in the text. Further instructions can be found in Ensure blind peer review.
  • Remember to send a graphical abstract of your article or to inform us in “Comments to the Editor” which figure you would like to be the cover of your work when it is published.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if this is not the case, a justification should be given in “Comments to the editor”.
  • URLs for the references have been provided where possible.
  • Figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as annexes.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines, on the About the Journal page.
  • Remember to link your ORCiD at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines 

  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if this is not the case, a justification should be given in "Comments for the editor".
  • In “Comments to the editor”, state which issue of the journal your manuscript is being submitted to.


  • Manuscript language:          English (recommended), Portuguese (allowed), Spanish (allowed).


  • Page format: A4. Margins: left, right, top, and bottom 2.5 cm.
  • Allowed formats:Tex (recommended); Microsoft Word or OpenOffice (allowed) (documents need to be editable, so .pdf alone is not allowed).

Note: When in tex format, make sure you send all the source files (text, images, tables) zipped up in a .zip or .rar file.

  • Extension: No page limit. (Note: File size/weight may be restricted for extreme cases.).
  • Title and subtitle: Times New Roman font, size 14, bold and centered. They must be separated from each other by two points. (Eg: Title:subtitle)


  • Authors: Your manuscript must come without the authors' names or any other identifying marks to guarantee blind peer review. The names of the authors, identification of the corresponding author, e-mail address of the corresponding author and their affiliations must be added in a separate file, click here to download the template.
  • Authors and affiliation (when finalized the review): Times New Roman font, size 12, centralized. First Name, abbreviation of other name(s), Last Name (Eg: José, A.B. Fulano). Authors' names should be separated by commas. The corresponding author should be marked with a superscript cross (Eg: José, A.B. Fulanoꜛ). Affiliation of the authors is called by centralized notes (superscript numbers) and just below the names. The affiliation of the authors should be described with 3 levels, in descending order, followed by the name of the city, state and country. Example: [University or Institution; Center or Faculty or Institute; Department or Graduate Program; City - State, Country]. E-mail from the corresponding author called by footnote, with Times New Roman font, size 10, in red.
  • Note: Remember to link your ORCiD.
    The ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free, non-proprietary alphanumeric code (16 digits separated into groups of four by hyphens: 0000-0000-0000-000X) non-proprietary free of charge to identify researchers and contributors of academic research and avoid misunderstandings with people with identical or similar names, cultural inconsistencies due to spelling and inconsistencies due to changes in names (as occurs after marriage, for example), as well as allowing them to observe their academic production and follow their evolution and history as a researcher, with information that they themselves decide whether or not to share. Register for free on ORCiD.

  • Summary: Times New Roman font size 12, justified. Articles should be accompanied by abstracts consisting of a single paragraph in Portuguese or Spanish (depending on the language of the text), with about 150 to 250 words; up to five keywords separated by semicolons and ending by a dot. Abstract in English, containing 150 to 250 words; five keywords separated by semicolons and ending by a dot. 

Note: if the text is in Portuguese or Spanish, the abstract must be in the respective language, followed by the title and  abstract in English.  If the text is in English, the abstract must be in English only. 

  • Body of work: Times New Roman font size 12, justified, with single line spacing. Paragraph: should be indented 1.25 cm to the left. Text formatted in only 1 column.

The titles and subtitles of sections and subsections can be named as the author(s) wish. For titles and subtitles of sections: Times New Roman font, size 14, bold, left-aligned.

  • Illustrations: They must have titles in Times New Roman font, size 12, centralized, in English (even if the text is in Portuguese or Spanish). The identification appears in the uper part preceded by the designation word (Diagrams, Graphs, Photographs, Pictures, Figures, etc.), followed by their occurrence number in the text (Arabic numerals), colon, and its title. The source indication appears at the bottom even if it is from the author's own production, in Times New Roman font, size 12, centralized, following Author (date) citation. 

Note:Make sure that the figures are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as annexes.


Figure 1: Title of figure 1.

<Image here>

Source: Google images (20xx)

Note: Remember to send a graphical abstract of your article, to be the cover when it is published OR to indicate in the “Comments to the Editor” which picture you would like to be your cover.

  • Tables: Times New Roman font size 12, centralized, in English (even if the text is in Portuguese or Spanish). The identification appears at the top, preceded by the designation word (Table), followed by its occurrence number in the text (Arabic numerals), colon and its title. The source indication appears at the bottom even if it is from the author's own production, in Times New Roman font, size 12, left-aligned, following Author (date) citation. 

Note:Make sure that the tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document as annexes.


Table 1: Title of table 1.

<table here>

Source: from authors (20xx)

  • References and citations: References must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, left-aligned, single-spaced, and separated by a blank space. They must be presented in alphabetical order and contain all the necessary data for their identification, including URLs when possible, according to the norms NBR 6023: 2018. Citations should follow NBR 10520: 2023 using the Author (date) system.

Notes: should be reduced to the minimum necessary and presented at the end of the text numbered sequentially.

  • Recommendations: The following ABNT standards are recommended:

NRB 5892: 2019 - Standard for Dating;
NBR 6022: 2018 - Article in periodical print publication;
NBR 6023: 2018 - References;
NBR 6024: 2012 - Progressive numbering of sections of a written document;
NBR 6028: 2021 - Abstract;
NBR 10520: 2023 - Citations in documents.

Note: Journal Sigmae does not grant access to the document template files provided by Google Drive. To gain access, when you open the file, click on “File” and then on “Download” to obtain an editable copy on your electronic device.


Actuary Science

This section is devoted to relevant papers on applications of Mathematics and/or Statistics to Actuary Sciences.

Applied Mathematics

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Applied Mathematics.

Applied Statistics

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Applied Statistics.

Computer Science

This section is devoted to relevant papers on applications of Mathematics and/or Statistics to Computer Science.

Data Science & Machine Learning

This section is devoted to relevant papers on applications of Mathematics and/or Statistics to Data Science & Machine Learning.

Full papers

This section is devoted to relevant full papers from works presented in scientific meetings.


This section regards letters, ie., non-scientific expressions, free of format, but with some interest for the journal's readers.

Mathematics Education

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Mathematics Education.



This section is devoted to relevant papers on applications of Mathematics and/or Statistics to Physics.

Physics Education

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Physics Education.


Probability and Statistics

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Probability and Statistics.

Pure Mathematics

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Mathematics.

Statistics Education

This section is devoted to relevant papers on Statistics Education.


Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.