Information For Authors

For submissions, read:

After correcting your manuscript, upload it, in the same process as submitting:
1. Corrected manuscript, without highlights.
2. Corrected manuscript, highlighting what you modified, added or deleted.

3. Response letter to reviewers. This document should contain the authors' response to each of the reviewer's comments (even if the comments have been made in a separate file), stating everything that has been complied with and where the change is (indicating page and line) or justifying what could not be complied with. Click here to download the template.

4. All the source files (images, .tex, .doc, etc) in a single compacted file (.zip, .rar)

Note: for authors highlighting changes in LaTeX, use the soul package and highlight with the command \hj{text to be highlighted}.

Note: Make sure that the corrected manuscript with highlights contains the same content as the corrected manuscript without highlights, with the markings of the changes being the only difference between them. Sigmae Journal uses the corrected manuscript with highlights to evaluate the corrections and the corrected manuscript without highlights for editing.