Problem Solving and Linear Systems

a case study in high school involving a simplified scaling method



Problem solving, linear systems, simplified method, metacognition, mathematics


In this paper, one presents a case study of Mathematics teaching through problem solving, for the
development of the content of linear systems, in High School. The relevance of the case was due to the training
gains for the teacher and the development of her students, especially regarding the metacognitive aspects
involved in the process. A simplified method, instead of Gauss elimination or other similar ones, for solving
and discussing systems of linear equations is also presented, which allows the teacher to put more emphasis
on the learning processes, rather than on those techniques.


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How to Cite

Zuffi, E. M. (2018). Problem Solving and Linear Systems: a case study in high school involving a simplified scaling method. Sigmae, 6(2), 27–35. Retrieved from