Academic stress determinant factors: an investigation according to Multinomial Logistic Regression
Multinomial Distribution, Students, Regression Model, Levels of Education, Level of StressAbstract
The manifested stress in students represents a prevalent variable that focus in a substantial portion of the student demography. Many elements of psychological, physiological and academic nature can focus on the tension level experienced by the students. In order to conduct a statistical analysis on this issue, the current study is proposed, aiming to implement a Multinomial Logistic Model to identify factors and their impact on stress levels among nepalese students. The dataset was obtained from the Kaggle repository, named "StressLevelDataset", comprising 20 attributes assessing stress levels in 1100 students. These attributes were categorized into five factors: Psychological (PF), Physiological (PhF), Social (SF), Environmental (EF), and Academic (AF). For this investigation, stress analysis focused on PF, PhF, and FA. Key attributes within these factors include anxiety, self-esteem, depression, and history of mental illness (PF); headache, sleep quality, and respiratory problems (PhF); academic performance, study workload, student-teacher relationship, and concern about future career (AF). The adjusted multinomial model, using stress level as the response variable and the eleven covariates mentioned, yielded an accuracy of 89.09%. Considering these metrics, it was observed that the variables level of academic performance, level of sleep quality and level of study hours exerted the greatest influence in explaining the level of stress, in this order, with a relevance of 22.01%, 17.4% and 14.9%, respectively.
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