Manipulative Material or Instrument

What is actually being used in teaching Plane Analytical Geometry


  • Daiane de Oliveira Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Aline Costa Ramos Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Angela Leite Moreno Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Mathematics Teaching, High School, Basic Education, Maths Teacher


An important part of mathematics is plane geometry, however this content is often taught in a traditional way, that is, in which the teacher uses only the blackboard and textbook, solving exercises repeatedly whose focus is the repetition of a algorithm, which generates disinterest in students. A way to motivate learning about some mathematics content is using manipulable materials. Therefore, this paper approaches results of an investigation through of application of a questionnaire about manipulable materials in teaching of plane analytic geometry by elementary school and high school teachers of public and private school in Po ̧co Fundo city and teachers participating in the PIBID in Alfenas city. The purpose of this investigation was to analyse if the teachers use manipulable materials and what materials are used by them. The resultshow that the most of teachers who affirmed to know manipulable materials in teaching of plane analytic geometry neither knew the meaning of this, making clear don’t use to use this materials.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, D. de O., Ramos, A. C., & Moreno, A. L. (2018). Manipulative Material or Instrument: What is actually being used in teaching Plane Analytical Geometry. Sigmae, 6(2), 54–61. Retrieved from