Use of software in the teaching of Geometry: A systematic mapping
Educational technologies, Mathematics Teaching, Informatics in Education, Dynamic geometryAbstract
This work presents the results of a systematic mapping that included the analysis of articles on the teaching of Geometry using Information and Communication Technology (ICT's), choosing articles published in the last fourteen years (2000-2014) in national informatics events in education: Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in Education (SBIE) and Informatics Workshop at School (WIE), and in the Electronic Magazine of Mathematics Education (REVEMAT). With the mapping, it was noticed that despite the growth in the number of publications in recent years, we still have areas that have few papers presented at these events, which is the case of the use of ICTs in Mathematics teaching, as few articles published with this theme. And this reduced number of works ends up reducing the possibility of using Geometry software by basic education teachers. The works analyzed proved that the use of ICT's brought benefits for both the teacher and the student, but for the insertion of the use of technological resources in teaching it is necessary that some barriers are broken by the student, the teacher and the school.
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