Factors associated with the learning impairment perception' by students from Brazilian public universities during the Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19, remote teaching, learning impairment, logistic regressionAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic hit, in march 2020, the whole society, with restrictions on conviviality and the need for adaptations in all areas. Specifically in education, institutions temporarily interrupted their activities and got mobilized to continue their classes remotely, supported by technological ways that allow virtual meetings in real time. Given the uniqueness of the situation, not everyone in the academic area was prepared to replace face-to-face classrooms with virtual learning environments. In this context, this work sought to look into the impacts of remote teaching in the lives of students at brazilian public universities during the Covid-19 pandemic. A query was carried out with the students, through an electronic form, questioning, among other things, the feeling of loss in learning during the duration of remote teaching. The responses to this query composed a database analyzed using the statistical methodology of Binary Logistic Regression. Thus, this work aimed to adjust a statistical model to identify possible factors associated with the feeling of loss in the learning process, on the part of students from public universities, in relation to remote teaching. The results show that five covariables, selected through the stepwise process, had greater influence on the response variable. The highlighted covariables were: number of synchronous classes, student’s ability to concentrate, remote interaction with the teacher, remote assistance from the teacher and age group. This result reveals the role of the teacher in the learning process.
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