Autoregressive Vectors applied to the determinants of Brazil-China exports between the years 2010-2016


  • Michael Gonçalves Da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/Departamento de Contabilidade e Finanças
  • Vanessa Siqueira Peres Da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/Departamento de Estatística
  • Patrícia Menezes Da Rosa Universidade Franciscana


Regressive Vectors, exchange rate, commodities


The present study aimed to analyze the determinants of Brazilian commodity exports to China in the recent
period from 2010 to 2016 through the investigation of the variables real exchange rate and international prices. For that, the Auto Regressive Vector (VAR) model was adopted whose main objective is to evaluate the influence of a given variable on another variable. Thus, it evidenced the role of international prices as the main determinant of Brazilian commodity exports to China in the period analyzed. The results of the impulse response function showed that Brazil's exports to China respond positively to a shock of international prices, which means that an increase in international prices leads to a rise in exports. In the face of an exchange rate shock, the response of Brazilian exports to China is negative, indicating that an appreciation of the real exchange rate leads to a decrease in exports. Such results are in line with economic theory. Therefore, it is verified that the influences of international prices and the real exchange rate were the main determinants of exports.


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How to Cite

Da Silva, M. G., Da Silva, V. S. P., & Da Rosa, P. M. (2019). Autoregressive Vectors applied to the determinants of Brazil-China exports between the years 2010-2016. Sigmae, 8(2), 716–721. Retrieved from