Scientometric analysis of scientific journals published by the Federal University of Alfenas

from 2012 to 2017


  • Edilson Messias Gonçalves Júnior Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)
  • Eric Batista Ferreira Professor Associado do Departamento de Estatística, Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Qualis, Capes, Impact factor, Scientific article, Quality


The production of science is reported primarily by scientific journals. These in turn have
assumed the electronic format and if distributed over the internet. As the pressure for scientific
productivity is increasing, metrics that monitor researchers and journals are common. This study
aimed to evaluate the scientific journals published by Unifal-MG in terms of Qualis, number of
citations, articles and fascicles published, as well as their age, h-index and g-index, which reflect
the impact of the publications. One concludes that the Unifal-MG has periodicals in the process of
consolidation, which are struggling to acquire quality, but which still have a long way to go.

Author Biography

Edilson Messias Gonçalves Júnior, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG)

Graduando em licenciatura em matemática pela UNIFAL-MG


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How to Cite

Gonçalves Júnior, E. M., & Ferreira, E. B. (2017). Scientometric analysis of scientific journals published by the Federal University of Alfenas: from 2012 to 2017. Sigmae, 6(2), 15–26. Retrieved from