Developing a Robust Shiny Application Integrated with SQL Databases for Aquaculture



Web Application, Aquaculture, R software, PostgreSQL, Shiny


This work presents the development of an application for managing collective feed
purchases in aquaculture, aiming to reduce costs and optimize logistics. This study aims to val-
idate the robustness of applications developed using the Shiny framework of the R programming
language by integrating a Database Management System (DBMS) in the backend. This aims to
demystify the predominant perception that Shiny is exclusively a prototyping tool, demonstrating
its viability for robust production applications. The adopted methodology encompasses three stages
of software development: Backend, Intermediate Infrastructure, and Frontend. In the Backend
stage, database modeling was carried out, which included conceptual, logical, and physical mod-
eling, ensuring the system’s efficiency and security. The choice of PostgreSQL as DBMS was
based on the need for a robust and secure system. The Intermediate Infrastructure was developed
using the R language with the Golem framework, facilitating the application’s development and
deployment. Its folder and metadata structures promote efficient project organization. The Fron-
tend was built with the Shiny framework, standing out for its modularity and code organization.
The developed modules include the interface and system logic for each specific functionality, such
as supplier registration and stock management. Overall, the work presents a systematic and or-
ganized approach to application development, encompassing database modeling to user interface
implementation, aiming to meet the needs of collective feed purchase management in aquaculture.

Author Biography

Carlos Antônio Zarzar

Graduação em Engenharia de Pesca pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (2009). Monitor da disciplina de Carcinologia e Zoologia Aquática (2010). Bolsista CNPq (PIBIC/CNPq/UFRPE) em projeto sobre crescimento, consumo alimentar, sobrevivência e osmorregulação do camarão-rosa em diferentes salinidades (2010). Participação no projeto de Métodos Alternativos do Cultivo do Camarão Marinho como bolsista ITI (CNPq) (2011). Integrante do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET-Pesca) (2011/2015). Intercâmbio de Graduação Sanduíche na Espanha (2012/13) e estágio no Porto de Coruña como prático de prática. Estágio nos EUA na Virginia Tech University sobre piscicultura marinha em Sustentabilidade e Biosegurança na aquicultura. Atuação no projeto de desenvolvimento de tecnologias de produção de robalo-flecha e bijupirá na UFRPE. Mestre em Biometria e Estatística aplicada na UFRPE, com estágio na França no Instituto de Pesquisa IRD (Mestrado Sanduíche). Doutor no programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). Atualmente é professor da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (UFOPA) no Campus de Monte Alegre.


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How to Cite

Siqueira, D. P., Rodrigues da Silva, G., Patrick Moura de Souza, L., Antônio Zarzar, C., & Roberto Brasil Santos, P. (2024). Developing a Robust Shiny Application Integrated with SQL Databases for Aquaculture. Sigmae, 13(4), 253–264. Retrieved from