

Machine Learning, Credit Risk, Financial Market, Default, Classification Models


The purpose of this article is to employ Machine Learning techniques to develop classification models applied to credit risk data. To achieve this goal, the R software was utilized, implementing various methodologies, including Logistic Regression, Bagging, Random Forest, and Decision Trees. Additionally, ensemble techniques were applied to combine these models, aiming to improve the accuracy of the predictions. The metric chosen for the comparative evaluation of the models was Accuracy and AUC (area under the curve). This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of these approaches in predicting and classifying credit risks, contributing to a deeper understanding and practical application of machine learning techniques in the financial context. 


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How to Cite

Pereira Melo, R. A., Sales Guimarães, P. H., & Pereira Melo, M. I. (2024). MACHINE LEARNING: PREDICTING CREDIT RISK. Sigmae, 13(4), 219–230. Retrieved from



Data Science & Machine Learning