Adaptations of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Datasets with Application in Credit Scoring
Credit Scoring , XGBoost, Machine learning , Umbalanced Data, Data AugmentationAbstract
Credit scoring can be seen as a binary classification problem, with the goal of developing a model that classifies customers as good or bad borrowers. However, databases used in credit scoring often have few examples of bad borrowers, which can result in misclassifying bad borrowers as good payers, leading to potential losses for the lender. In this study, two approaches for addressing the issue of class imbalance are explored: firstly, the adaptation of supervised learning algorithms, specifically Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), utilizing the Weighted Focal Loss function; and secondly, the utilization of artificial data balancing techniques through oversampling and undersampling. Finally, the obtained results are analyzed, considerations regarding the effectiveness of the proposed methods are discussed, and these methods are applied to a real-world database. As a result, models with a lower expected cost were obtained, i.e. with less damage to the creditor, but there was also a worsening in the Brier Score in the approach based on artificial data balancing.
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