Interdisciplinarity between mathematics and citizenship: fake news and graph interpretation


  • Tania Maria dos Santos Hilda Maria dos Reis Santos
  • Flávio Bittencourt Universidade Federal de Alfenas


High school, Statistics, Active methodologies, Didactic sequence, Critical citizen


The interdisciplinarity between mathematics and citizenship offers an enriching pedagogical approach. This study aimed to analyze the participation of high school students in a statistics workshop focused on the theme of fake news, with an emphasis on developing skills in interpreting graphs and statistical measures. The exploratory study was conducted with a convenience sample of 70 out of 160 third-year high school students from a state school in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais. Participant selection considered students present on the day of the workshop and belonging to classes that, at least apparently, faced challenges working with statistical topics. The proposal utilized a didactic sequence based on active and collaborative methodologies, involving the conduction of group statistical research on the theme of fake news. The results showed that 92% of the students recognized the importance of verifying the truthfulness of information and claimed to know how to identify fake news. However, 73% of the students demonstrated significant difficulties in interpreting statistical measures, highlighting the need for more contextualized and practical teaching approaches that incorporate current topics like fake news. Despite these challenges, the experience of integrating contemporary themes into the teaching of statistics fostered meaningful learning, contributing to the development of statistical skills, improved understanding of mathematical content, enhanced communication, teamwork, increased motivation, and student engagement. This initiative empowered students to become critical and informed citizens.


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How to Cite

Tania Maria dos Santos, & Bittencourt, F. (2025). Interdisciplinarity between mathematics and citizenship: fake news and graph interpretation. Sigmae, 13(3). Retrieved from