Linear relations among traits alfalfa cultivars
Medicago sativa L., Forage, Uniformity trial, CorrelationAbstract
The objective of this work was to verify whether there are positive linear relations among traits of two alfalfa cultivars and which traits can be used for indirect selection. To this end, two uniformity trials were conducted, one with the Crioula cultivar and the other with the Trifecta cultivar, in Santa Maria, RS. Sowing was carried out manually on November 27, 2023. At flowering, 110 plants of each cultivar were randomly collected. In each plant, the traits evaluated were: plant height (PH), number of nodes (NN), fresh matter mass (FM) and dry matter mass (DM). For each cultivar, the matrix of Pearson's linear correlation coefficients (r) between the four traits was determined, with significance verified using Student's t test at 5%. The parameters of the regression tree algorithm were estimated to predicting FM and DM as a function of PH and NN. Among the traits of the Crioula cultivar, the r ranged from 0.30 (NN vs DM) to 0.97 (FM vs DM), with an average of 0.51. Among the traits of the Trifecta cultivar, the r ranged from 0.24 (NN vs FM) to 0.97 (FM vs DM) with an average of 0.51. There are positive linear relations between the traits plant height, number of nodes, fresh matter mass and dry matter mass, of the alfalfa cultivars Crioula and Trifecta. Plant height has positive linear relations with the fresh and dry matter masses of the aerial part and can be used for indirect selection.
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