Probabilistic Approach in the Analysis of Extreme Vegetable Prices: An Application to Maximum Potato Prices in the State of São Paulo



Potato, CEAGESP, Marketing, São Paulo, Extreme Value Theory


The study focuses on the analysis of the marketing of fresh produce in Brazil, especially at the São Paulo Wholesale Market (CEAGESP), with a focus on potatoes. The aim is to understand potato supply in the market and model its maximum prices, identifying the marketing potential at CEAGESP. Extreme price analysis was conducted using the Extreme Value Theory, with monthly data from January 2015 to December 2022. For periods without price records, linear interpolation was performed. The values were subjected to Mann-Kendall and Ljung Box tests to assess the presence of trend and temporal dependence, with all analyses conducted in the R program. The results indicated the absence of trend and dependence in the time series, at a significance level of 1%. The analysis revealed significant variations in potato maximum prices, especially in March and April, months with pronounced fluctuations due to the off-season and the end of the main harvest. In contrast, July and August showed a decrease in the probabilities of high prices suggesting stabilization around R$ 3.00 during the beginning of the new planting cycle. These results are relevant for understanding potato price dynamics over the years, providing crucial information for risk management strategies and agricultural and commercial planning decisions. In summary, the statistical analysis offered a comprehensive view of seasonal and price variations in potatoes, essential for efficient management and strategic planning in the agricultural sector.


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How to Cite

Pantoja, M. G., Marjotta-Maistro, M. C., & Liska, G. R. (2025). Probabilistic Approach in the Analysis of Extreme Vegetable Prices: An Application to Maximum Potato Prices in the State of São Paulo. Sigmae, 13(4), 327–338. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics