A study on the acceptance of the use of the R language in Mathematics and Statistics disciplines
Statistical education, Mathematical education, Programming language, Applied statisticsAbstract
R language is an open-source programming that allows, in addition to statistical procedures, simple mathematical operations, manipulation of vectors and matrices, among other procedures. Due to these characteristics, R has been used as support to disciplines of Mathematics and Statistics from Centro de Ciências Agrárias of Universidade Federal de São Carlos, such in “Computer Basics and Coding”, “Mathematical Topics II” and “Probability and Statistical Notions”, offered for the courses of Biotechnology and Agronomic Engineering in Center. The intention of using R is that students understand better the subjects taught in classes. In this way, the aim of this work was to evaluate the acceptance of the students of the mentioned disciplines about the use of R programming language during the classes. The research utilized exploratory descriptive methods with the help of R to analyze acceptance of the students about the use of this language, by analyzing the answers of a satisfaction questionnaire that the students answered after the conclusion of each discipline. The approval rates of R usage among classes were 100% in Computer Basics and Coding; 78% in Mathematical Topics II, and 95% in Probability and Statistical Notions, which shows that R utilization, for these disciplines, makes a reliable and promising resource to help the learning and teaching process.
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