
  • Maria Luiza Alves Unifal-MG
  • Rosângela Rodrigues Borges UNIFAL-MG


The objective was to analyze a teaching practice in the production of reading and text, focusing in particular on the final essay produced by high school students from public schools in an Enem Writing course, set in moodle. In the analysis, it was observed that the student has difficulty in mobilizing knowledge acquired / built over the years of schooling in the communicative situation in question and that the reflection on his own writing or how to deal with linguistic resources and available information are not practical recurrent at school. It is concluded that it is necessary to [re] think and [re] see language teaching practices to which students are exposed since they do not seem to understand the relationship between what is studied at school and the use of that study in an exam that allows admission in a higher education.


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How to Cite

MARIA LUIZA ALVES; RODRIGUES BORGES, Rosângela. PRÁTICA DE ENSINO DE PRODUÇÃO DE LEITURA E DE TEXTO NO MOODLE. Trem de Letras, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. e018003, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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