algorithms for prediction in agriculture: An application of Feature importance and Feature Selection



Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, BORUTA


The Agriculture sector has created and collected large amounts of data. It can be gathered, stored, and analyzed to assist in decision making generating competitive value, and the use of Machine Learning techniques has been very effective for this market. In this work, a Machine Learning study was carried out using supervised classification models based on boosting to predict disease in a crop, thus identifying the model with the best areas under curve metrics. Light Gradient Boosting Machine, CatBoost Classifier, Extreme Gradient, Gradient Boosting Classifier, Adaboost models were used to qualify the crop as healthy or sick. One can see that the LightGBM algorithm provided a better fit to the data with an area under the curve of 0.76 under the use of BORUTA variable selection.


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How to Cite

Silva, V. C., Silva Rocha, M., Amorim Faria, G., Xavier Junior, S. F. A., Almeida de Oliveira, T., & Bastos Peixoto, A. P. (2025). algorithms for prediction in agriculture: An application of Feature importance and Feature Selection. Sigmae, 13(4), 308–317. Retrieved from



Data Science & Machine Learning