An analysis of correlation prices of hydrated ethanol fuel in Brazil's main producing states
Sugarcane, hydrated ethanol, Applied statistics, intern marketAbstract
Sugarcane has established Brazil as an important player in the global energy market. The main producing states are Alagoas, São Paulo, and Pernambuco. This study analyzed the relationships between the monthly prices of hydrated ethanol from 2003 to 2023. The secondary data and were obtained from the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (CEPEA). The analyses include an exploratory analysis of the price series and the establishment of relationships between them using the Spearman correlation coefficient. To this end, prices were deflated using IPCA indices to allow for comparison. Linear interpolation was performed for periods without recorded prices. For the organization of the series, deflation, and calculation of the correlation coefficient, spreadsheets and the R program were used. When comparing the variables, we found a coefficient of 0.995 between Alagoas and Pernambuco, 0.964 between Alagoas and São Paulo, and 0.964 between Pernambuco and São Paulo, indicating a very high positive correlation between the series.
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