Statistical modeling of the influence of particulate matter (MP10) on the health of the population of Santa Gertrudes - SP



Atmospheric pollution, ceramic pole, respiratory disease, logistic regression


Atmospheric pollution, with an emphasis on particulate matter (PM), represents a significant threat to human health, gaining greater relevance in densely industrialized regions, such as Santa Gertrudes, SP. It is important to use tools capable of monitoring the concentration of particulate matter in regions under the influence of the Santa Gertrudes ceramics hub, in addition to studying the adverse effects of particulate matter on health. This 4-year longitudinal study (2020-2023), employing generalized linear models, aims to understand the influence of MP on the health of the local population. The results indicate an inverse association between relative air humidity and PM10 concentration, highlighting the complexity of interactions between environmental factors. The temporal analysis reveals a connection between deaths and the concentration of PM10, with a lag of 4 days, suggesting a temporal exposure that may have contributed to worsening health conditions. Within the scope of hospitalization periods, the complexity increases, identifying relationships involving MP10 with lags of 3, 4 and 5 days, in addition to variables such as relative air humidity and wind speed. These findings highlight the multifactorial nature of the health impacts of air pollution, emphasizing the importance of integrated approaches in public policies and preventive actions. In particular, during health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the conclusions highlight the urgency of targeted strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution, aiming to preserve the health and well-being of the community of Santa Gertrudes and similar areas.


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How to Cite

Vieira da Silva, P., da Silva, E., & Adelaide Lombardo, M. (2024). Statistical modeling of the influence of particulate matter (MP10) on the health of the population of Santa Gertrudes - SP. Sigmae, 13(4), 102–113. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics