Determinants and prediction of cesarean delivery using machine learning techniques



Machine learning, classification, prediction model, cesarean delivery, decision making


Evidences that performing cesarean deliveries is guided worldwide by socioeconomic factors and that this practice can increase risks to maternal and child health imposes a global discussion on the proper use of cesarean sections. The aim of this study is to contribute to this discussion through: (i) identification of the most important factors for determining cesarean deliveries in the United States in 2019; and (ii) development of a model to predict the mode of delivery for prenatal care. The predictive performances of the algorithms Random Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors were tested on subsets of the National Center for Health Statistics data. The determinants of cesarean delivery were studied using logistic regression using features selected by Random Forest. The analysis of the results showed, for instance, that the intervention of labor augmentation, the cephalic presentation of the fetus, the number of previous live births, and the assistance of a nurse or midwife reduce the probability of a cesarean delivery; whereas higher maternal age groups (from 35 years old), twin births, maternal obesity, and previous cesarean sections increase the chance of the delivery being a cesarean section. The results reinforce the literature for the American case. Among the main contributions of this study to the literature is the economic focus, guiding machine learning techniques and algorithms in support of the global discussion on the appropriate use of cesarean sections.


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How to Cite

Santos, T. T., & Ferreira, P. H. (2024). Determinants and prediction of cesarean delivery using machine learning techniques. Sigmae, 13(5), 1–22. Retrieved from



Data Science & Machine Learning