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Hometowns of students on the Mathematics course at UFSJ - MG

a study using Circular Statistics



Directional data, Circular descriptive statistics, Unit circle


A common feature in Brazilian universities is to welcome students not only from the city where the institution is located, but also from nearby cities. Some relocate to the city where the university is situated, while others commute daily to obtain their degrees. Many students in the Mathematics program at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) are not originally from São João, and this article is based on the geographic coordinates of their hometowns. Location is a crucial tool for analyzing the disposition of human activities in space, and in the unit circle, the coordinates will be treated as angles centered on the city of São João. Traditional statistics study data expressed on the real line, where 1 and 360 are values separated by hundreds of numbers. These characteristics do not capture the continuity of the circle, where 1 and 360 are neighboring angles. Thus, this study used circular data, calculating circular descriptive measures such as mean, variance, median, length of the resultant mean vector, and circular scatter plots. The objective of this study was to locate the region that, on average, has the most students in the Mathematics program at UFSJ. It can then be inferred that the influence zone of this UFSJ program is concentrated in the cities southeast of the host city, around 309o(circular mean).

Author Biographies

Carla R G Brighenti , Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ)

Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation

Luiz Fernando Silva Resende , Federal University of Lavras (UFLA)

Doctoral student at the statistics department


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How to Cite

Brighenti , C. R. G., Lima , I. da S., Resende , L. F. S., Sena , M. C., & Pereira , T. C. (2024). Hometowns of students on the Mathematics course at UFSJ - MG: a study using Circular Statistics. Sigmae, 13(1), 91–100. Retrieved from