Identification of risk factors associated with the performance of Canchim bulls, in confinement, using the theory of survival analysis
Canchim, Confinement, Cox ModelAbstract
The study of the performance of beef cattle in confinement has aroused a lot of interest and is growing in Brazil due to these animals being in a controlled environment, facilitating the measurement of performance parameters and feed efficiency with daily collections, which results in more accurate data. Associated with this, this practice also provides animals with greater weight gain in a shorter period of time, making it a more profitable option for slaughterhouses and producers. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the time it takes for Canchim bulls to achieve a daily weight gain of 1.2 kg during a period of confinement, as well as the possible factors that may affect this time. For this, a survival analysis approach using non-parametric techniques and the parametric Cox model was considered. The parametric Cox-Gompertz model considering the covariate birth weight (PI) presented the best fit to the data, that is, within the set of covariates adopted for analysis, this variable had an important influence on the time for the animal to reach the desired weight during the confinement period; a low birth weight contributed to better performance.
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