Sample size for evaluation productive traits of teosinte
Zea mays ssp. mexicana, sample sizing, experimental planningAbstract
Teosinte (Zea mays ssp. mexicana) is a plant of the Poaceae family and cultivated for the purpose of forage production, pasture and grain. When designing experiments, it is common to ask about the sample size to use to estimate the mean for a given trait. Likewise, the objective of this work was to determine the sample size (number of plants) necessary to evaluate the productive traits of teosinte, in sowing data. An experiment was conducted with 12 sowing dates (10/08/2021, 10/15/2021, 10/23/2021, 10/30/2021, 11/13/2021, 11/20/2021, 11/27/2021, 12/04/2021, 12/11/2021, 12/18/2021, 12/25/2021 and 01/01/2022), in an experimental area located at 29º42'S, 53º49'W and 95m altitude. In the main stem of five plants, chosen at random, for each sowing date, the productive traits were evaluated: fresh mass of main stem leaf (FML), fresh mass of stem main stem (FMS), fresh mass of the main stem tassel (FMT) and fresh mass of main stem (FMMS=FML+FMS+FMT). For each trait the sample size (number of plants) was calculated assuming an estimation error (semi-amplitude of the confidence interval) equal to 10% of the mean estimate, with a confidence level (1- α) of 95%. The sample size for estimating the mean varied between eight plants for FMS (sowing on 11/13/2021) and 573 plants for FMT (sowing on 10/30/2021). The average of the 12 sowings data or sample size were 177, 113, 252 and 109 plants to estimate the average of the traits FML, FMS, FMT and FMMS, respectively.
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