Genetic divergence between single maize hybrids in relation to ear traits



Zea mays L., genetic variability, principal components, dendrogram


The objective of this work was to verify if there is genetic diversity between corn single hybrids for ear characters. An experiment was carried out in the agricultural year 2021/2022, in Santa Maria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, with ten single corn hybrids being evaluated (AG8780, B2620, BM3066, DKB255, K3100, LG36680, MAXIMUS, NK467, NS75 e NS80). Ten ears per hybrid were randomly collected to evaluate the weight, in grams, of the ear, the grains in the lower, middle and upper thirds of the ear, the grains on the ear and the cob. In order to understand the expression trends of the characters and highlight those that most contribute to the total variability, principal component analysis was used. Subsequently, the dissimilarity matrix between the hybrids was determined using the Euclidean distance and the clustering was performed using the UPGMA algorithm. The dendrogram was cut using as a criterion the large level change in the clustering distance, being observed in 53,65% of dissimilarity. There is genetic divergence between single maize hybrids for ear traits with formation of two groups. The masses, of the ear and grains of the ear, present a greater contribution to the genetic diversity.


Author Biographies

Alberto Cargnelutti Filho, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Docente do Departamento de Fitotecnia.

Vithória Morena Ortiz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Discente do curso de Agronomia.

Bruno Raul Schuller, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Discente do curso de Agronomia.

Mikael Brum dos Reis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Discente do curso de Agronomia.

João Augusto Andretta, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Discente do curso de Agronomia.


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How to Cite

Loro, M. V., Cargnelutti Filho, A., Ortiz, V. M., Schuller, B. R., Reis, M. B. dos, & Andretta, J. A. (2023). Genetic divergence between single maize hybrids in relation to ear traits. Sigmae, 12(1), 116–122. Retrieved from