Hunger and prices in Brazil: a spatial analysis of the increase in the price of the basic food basket during the covid-19 pandemic
SAR, CAR, Spatial StatisticsAbstract
The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic worsened trade relations in Brazil and in the world, causing enormous social, economic and health instabilities. As a country of continental dimensions, the five macro-regions of the country are unique, some more industrialized and others not so much. And through the Global and Local Moran Index, it was possible to map and identify clusters of high and low prices of the basic food basket in the Southeast and Northeast regions, respectively. Using the SAR and CAR models, it was estimated that, with the increase of one thousand of the employed population, there was an increase in the prices of the basic food basket by R$ 0.10. The Covid-19 Pandemic triggered an increase in the prices of the basic food basket in a spatial way, as for every 1000 infected with the SarsCov2 virus in a given state, it was estimated that there was an increase in prices by R$ 1.31 (SAR) and R$ 1.21 ( CAR) in its neighbours, increasing the disheartened population in the country.
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