The use of adjusted standardized residuals as an auxiliary measure in Simple Correspondence Analysis applied to accident data on federal highways in Brazil


  • Damião Flávio dos Santos Universidade de Brasília


Categorical data analysis, Bivariate analysis, ANACOR


The accidents that occurred on federal highways in Brazil are considered an important cause of social and economic impacts in the country. These accidents every year kill thousands of people and/or leave the families of the victims in a situation of vulnerability. With the use of the data made available by the Federal Highway Police (PRF), this work aims to identify patterns of association between the classification of the accident and the day of the week of its occurrence, through the bivariate technique simple correspondence analysis (ANACOR) with the aid of adjusted standardized waste. The application of the chi-square hypothesis test made it possible to assess that the association of the two variables does not occur randomly, which allowed the analysis of the standardized residues adjusted jointly with ANACOR, being possible to verify
that accidents with fatal victims and without victims have a statistically significant association at the level of 5% significance with the days of the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).


Author Biography

Damião Flávio dos Santos, Universidade de Brasília

Mestre em Estatística pela UNB, registrado no CONRE 5, experiência em pesquisa de mercado e em Análise de Sobrevivência.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, D. F. (2022). The use of adjusted standardized residuals as an auxiliary measure in Simple Correspondence Analysis applied to accident data on federal highways in Brazil. Sigmae, 11(2), 1–11. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics