Invitation to Translators: Partnership with Sigmae
Sigmae is a scientific journal founded by professors at Unifal-MG, with a focus on publishing advances in the fields of Statistics and Mathematics. Until 2024, authors could choose which language (Portuguese, Spanish or English) they wanted to publish their articles in. However, as of 2025, authors who choose to write their articles in Portuguese or Spanish must also submit the English version, in order to broaden the journal's reach.
Sigmae is therefore putting together a list of “recommended translators” to make available to authors on its platform. With this in mind, we are pleased to invite you, a language professional with experience in translating scientific articles into Portuguese⇔Spanish, Portuguese⇔English or English⇔Spanish, to become a partner of Sigmae.
Sigmae's intention is simply to establish a bridge between author and translator, without interfering or mediating in the provision of a service or commercial relationship.
How the partnership works:
- Sigmae will indicate partner translators to interested authors;
- Translators agree to have their name, mini-résumé and contact details published on the Sigmae website;
- All translation procedures (quotation, payment, setting deadlines, deliveries, issuing invoices, etc.) will take place directly and exclusively between the partner translators and the interested authors, without interference from Sigmae;
- Sigmae will not be held responsible for the translations carried out or the translation procedures;
- Partner translators are aware that they will not have any money to pay or receive from Sigmae.
Desired profile:
- Training and/or experience in Languages, Translation or related areas;
- Advanced or native proficiency in the languages in question;
- Experience in translating academic and scientific texts;
- Commitment to deadlines and quality.
Benefits for the translator:
- Direct connection with authors of academic relevance;
- Opportunity to expand your portfolio and network of contacts;
- Valuing your work with the freedom to define your fees.
The translator's obligations:
- Provide a translation service with technical competence, transparency and a fair price;
- Meet the deadlines agreed with the author;
- To issue a declaration that the article has been translated by her/him, signed on
If you are interested in joining this group, please send an e-mail to, containing:
- Mini-résumé (maximum 1 page, highlighting training and translation experience);
- Languages you are qualified to translate;
- Contact: telephone (WhatsApp) and email.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope to count on your talent to further strengthen the quality of Sigmae's publications!
Prof. Dr. Eric Batista Batista Ferreira
Editor-in-Chief of Revista Sigmae
Dr. Rafaela Figueiredo Rodrigues
Sigmae Journal Administrator