Machado de Assis: school literature and the use of fanfictions as an evaluative activity



  • Rafaela Monticelli UFSC



Machado de Assis, Influence, Current Youth, Fanfictions, School literature


abstract: The general objective of this article is to propose a presentation and analysis of Machado de Assis. Furthermore, the specific objectives are: a) to expose some of the most relevant characteristics of Machado de Assis, for this work; b) the presence of Machado de Assis’s works in comics in the current school; c) dialogue with the digital fanfiction genre; d) contextualize and exemplify works made by fans of the author and their appropriate platforms. The methodology used was the search for research based on literary studies, using the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) as a resource, considering 5 theses and/or dissertations as a learning base, which encompass all Assis content. For the research, the following terms were searched: Machado de Assis; influence; current youth; fanfictions and school literature. According to the research, the Brazilian author's writings make up a large part of the literature component in schools, so that students are connected with the author and his works. According to the researchers' observations, several schools use the creation of fanfictions in Portuguese language classes as an evaluation tool, thus using Machado's works as a basis for developing them and obtaining knowledge of the classics of Brazilian literature. Finally, with the information and studies acquired, the article contextualizes aspects of Machado de Assis's works and their use in school literature, in addition to using fanfictions as an activity of interpretation and text creation based on the Brazilian author.


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How to Cite

Monticelli, R. (2025). Machado de Assis: school literature and the use of fanfictions as an evaluative activity: A LITERATURA ESCOLAR E O USO DE FANFICTIONS COMO ATIVIDADE AVALIATIVA. Revista (Entre Parênteses), 13(2).



Artigos - Estudos Literários