A Ética Protestante e o “Espírito” do Capitalismo
Uma Análise a partir dos Tipos Ideais
Ideal types, Protestant ethic, Spirit of capitalism, Ascetic Protestantism, VocationAbstract
The text analyzes the use of “ideal types” in Max Weber's work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. It explores how these ideal types, theoretical concepts that simplify reality to facilitate sociological analysis, are used to understand the influence of Protestant ethics, especially Calvinism, on the development of modern capitalism. The study is divided into three parts: the discussion of objectivity in social sciences, the definition and influence of ideal types in Weber, and the application of these types in the analysis of Protestant ethics and capitalism. Three main ideal types stand out: “spirit of capitalism”, “ascetic Protestantism”, and “vocation”. These elements helped shape the economic attitudes that contributed to the emergence of modern Western capitalism, offering an innovative approach to exploring the interactions between religion, culture, and economy.
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