“The most beautiful flower”: representation of lesbiandity in Natália Polesso’s narrative






Amora, Literatura de autoria feminina, Natalia Polesso, Teoria Queer, Violência


The present study, based on the short story “Flor, flowers, twisted iron” (2015), by Brazilian writer Natália Polesso, aims to contemplate the narrative presented by the author as a queer work. To this end, bibliographical research uses Miskolci's (2013) theoretical studies on Queer Theory and Butler's (2010) postulations on gender categories as social constructions. The work, divided into three parts, presents considerations about the two theoretical contributions presented and, in sequence, moves on to the analysis of the short story by Polesso (2015), addressing the way in which the child subject understands the violence that the lesbian character experiences. The theoretical basis used comes from Queer Theory, Cultural Studies and Feminist Criticism.


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How to Cite

dos Santos Esteves, N., dos Santos Coqueiro, W., & Caroline Belzuino, A. (2025). “The most beautiful flower”: representation of lesbiandity in Natália Polesso’s narrative: REPRESENTAÇÃO DE LESBIANDADE NA NARRATIVA DE NATALIA POLESSO . Revista (Entre Parênteses), 13(2). https://doi.org/10.32988/rep.v13n2.2421



Artigos - Estudos Literários