

Transdisciplinaridade, Complexidade, Crime


This study aims to analyze Edgar Morin's complexity and transdisciplinarity as vectors for understanding the criminal phenomenon, with the aim of formulating an initial line of adequate state response. The objective is also to reflect on some of the theories that seek to explain criminality, verify its limitations and investigate the need for a global look on the subject. The theme is fundamental in the homeland and in the present day, since criminality, as a human and social phenomenon, radiates reflections in the life of the whole society, being the relevant subject for every citizen, behold, impacted, in the most diverse ways (whether financially, psychologically or physically), by the harmful results of the crimes committed. Therefore, knowing and understanding its dynamics and its actors is essential in the search for adequate public policies to prevent crime, effectively intervene with the deviant person and improve response models. Therefore, the method used is applied, explanatory, qualitative and bibliographic. In the end, one comes to the conclusion that understanding the phenomenon for the desired purposes requires the abandonment of radicalisms and fragmented worldviews, it requires, in short, the reconnection of knowledge.

Author Biography

Margarete Panerai Araujo, Faculdades reunidas de Taquara

Pós-doutorado em Administração Pública e de Empresas em Políticas e Estratégias pela FGV EBAPE/RJ; e pós-doutorado em Comunicação Social, Cidadania e Região na UMESP nas Cátedras UNESCO de Comunicação e Gestão de Cidades. Possui Doutorado em Comunicação Social pela PUCRS, Mestrado em Serviço Social, e Especialização em Antropologia Social.


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How to Cite

Silva, I. S. ., & Araujo, M. P. . (2023). TRANSDISCIPLINARIDADE E COMPLEXIDADE PARA A ANÁLISE DO FENÔMENO CRIMINAL. Cadernos De Estudos Interdisciplinares, 5(3), 46–59. Retrieved from