


Malinalli;, History;, Fiction;, Iconogaphy;, Rewritten;


This article seeks to reflect on the figure of Malinalli, the indigenous woman who acted as an interpreter during the invasion of the lands of the present-day Mexico, in particular, on how her image is rewritten in the novel Malinche (2006), by Laura Esquivel. Through fiction, Esquivel's narrative and the partnership with the iconographies of Jordi Castells present in the work, the image of this indigenous woman is transformed. The reading of the work is observed in contrast to Malinalli's iconographic representations in the paintings: Malinche's dream, by Antonio Ruíz (1892-1964); Hernán Cortés and Malinche, by Jesús Helguera (1910-1971); and The encounter of Moctezuma II and Cortés, by Roberto Cueva del Río (1908-1988), making it possible to question the image of this obedient and sexualized Mexican woman. Malinalli refers to the pilgrimage of women who were sold and taken from one territory to another, from one “lord” to another, from one way of life to another, all of them uncertain, with the certainty only of servitude, as Martha Robles points out (2019, p. 291). The discussions will be anchored in the following critical studies: Margo Glantz (2001); Cristina González (2002); León-Portilla (2003); Ana Maria Colling (2015), among others. Revisiting Malinalli's image, through fiction, helps us to transform the history of the silenced subjects.

Author Biographies

Walquíria Rodrigues Pereira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Possui mestrado em Letras Neolatinas (Opção Literaturas Hispânicas), com bolsa CAPES pela UFRJ, cuja pesquisa está vinculada aos trabalhos do Grupo de Pesquisa MAR (Modernidade, Alteridade, Representação) / CNPq; e Especialização em Práticas de Letramento pelo IFRJ/SJM. Licenciada em Letras Português/Espanhol/Literaturas pela UFRRJ. Foi bolsista de Iniciação Científica - PIBIC/CNPq - na área de Literaturas Pós-coloniais Latino Americana, e também, bolsista PIBID/CAPES no subprojeto de Espanhol na UFRRJ. Desempenhou a função docente nas séries iniciais da educação básica e, em pré vestibular, ensino fundamental II e médio, através do espanhol. Atuou como bolsista de apoio técnico no NAGRAD na UFRRJ - IM. Integrou o grupo de pesquisa cadastrado no CNPq: Literaturas pós-coloniais: paradigmas de cambio na descolonização cultural latino-americana, pertencente ao grupo VARIUS - Variação e uso da UFRRJ/IM (2016 a 2018) e atualmente integra o grupo do CNPq: CARDILA - Cartografias do discurso literário latino-americano. Possui interesse no ensino da Língua Espanhola como LE e suas respectivas literaturas. Busca através de pesquisas agregar conhecimento na área para seguir acadêmica e profissionalmente.

Cláudia Luna, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Titular Professor of Hispanic-American Literature at UFRJ. POST-DOCTORATE in History of America by USP. PhD in Spanish Language and Hispanic Literatures from UFRJ and UBA (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES (PDEE CAPES Scholarship). Master in Neolatine Letters from UFRJ (1989). Bachelor and Licentiate Degree from UFRJ (982). / alterity / representation) and coordinates the WORDS IN RISTE Research Project: FIGHT, SPEECH AND IMAGINATION OF AND ABOUT LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN (beginning in 2020). CEMHAL, where she is one of the coordinators of the WG on Women and Interculturality and the WG on Translations and Critical Editions of works by Women Authors, working in the area of ​​Literature, with an emphasis on Latin American Literature, prioritizing the themes: imagery and representation, literature Hispanic-American, Literature and History, Literature of female authorship and formation of national imaginary, indigenous and indigenous protagonism, heterogeneity and interculturality, hybrid genres, historiography literary and revision of the canon, from the 19th century. Research Productivity Scholarship - PQ 2015 CNPQ (2016 to 2019). She was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Neolatine Letters at UFRJ in the biennium 2018-2020.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Pereira, W., & Impellizieri Luna Ferreira da Silva, C. H. (2021). THE THE FICTION TRANSFORMS THE HISTORY: LAURA ESQUIVEL, JORDI CASTELLS AND THE REWRITING OF MALINALLI’S IMAGE, THE EVIL NICKNAMED MALINCHE. Revista (Entre Parênteses), 10(2), 01–19.

