Earth in Transit



  • Paulo Cesar Silva de Oliveira Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/FFP



Bruce Chatwin, Narrative, Nomadic Life


This article proposes a presentation of Bruce Chatwin's works based on the idea of ​​the “nomad alternative”, with which the English writer seeks to define his literature. Based on the notion of migrant writing, we will analyze the small set of narratives produced by Chatwin, and not aiming to exhaust the analysis of his production, to (re) present Chatwin to a Brazilian audience still unfamiliar with his texts. We propose some key concepts, such as the migrant writing; the nomadic experience and the passion for maps, terms taken from his biography and narratives. Our methodology is concentrated on the attentive reading of his works, aided in general by the notion of the bio/graphic, as defined by Dominique Maingueneau, a theorist chosen among others to help us investigate the in-between places, “writing/living”, enacted in the literary/biographical trajectory of Bruce Chatwin.

Author Biography

Paulo Cesar Silva de Oliveira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/FFP

PhD in the Letters Course from UFRJ. Post-doctorate in Literature Studies at UFF. Adjunct Professor of Literary Theory at UERJ / FFP. Procientist Scholarship from FAPERJ / UERJ, since 2014. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship, since 2019.



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How to Cite

Silva de Oliveira, P. C. (2020). Earth in Transit: BRUCE CHATWIN AS A MIGRANT WRITER. Revista (Entre Parênteses), 9(2).

