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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • In the case of an article, academic essay, experience report or translation, the file presents Resumo, Abstract and Resumen (in all three languages)
  • The submission cannot have been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. Thesis and dissertation chapters should be indicated.
  • The research observes the ethical principles of research, including, if applicable, Terms of authorization for work involving human beings.
  • The author declares to have filled in all the identification items in his profile and metadata in the submission of the article, including the academic biography, to be inserted on the text publication page.
  • The submission file should be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The submission is expected to comply with the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines.
  • The author declares that he had no published work, individually or co-authored, in the journal in the twelve months prior to the submission date.
  • Authors who submit texts for publication have to declare that their work does not contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Author Guidelines

The journal publishes the following categories of manuscripts:

a) Articles: texts with at least 8 and maximum of 30 pages, including references and attachments, when applicable. result of research including theoretical and practical reflections.

b) Academic essays: texts with at least 15 and maximum of 40 pages, including references and attachments, when applicable. The text should be a theoretical article expressing the point of view of the author on a chosen theme.

c) Reviews: texts up to 8 pages, presenting a critical review of newly published (maximum 3 years ago) books, dissertations and thesis.

d) Experience reports: texts from 8 to 20 pages, presenting a critical perspective, supported by an adequate theoretical reference on practices related to the field of linguistics or literature.

e) Interviews: texts up to 15 pages, presenting an interview with significant names in the areas of linguistics, literature or other areas that dialogue with them.

f) Translations: texts up to 30 pages, presenting a translation of literary works or theoretical and critical texts relevant to the Language area (Linguistics or Literature), accompanied by critical study.

The journal accepts submissions of works written by up to three authors


About the Manuscript’s formatting

a) Works should be presented on A4-size paper, in simple column, with 2.5cm margins on all sides.

b) Throughout the text, the font should be Arial, with 2 cm indentation to paragraphs markup (no indentation using the “tab” key) and 4 cm indentation for examples or quotes (only those that exceed three lines).

c) The font size is 12 points for the body of the text and 11 for examples and quotes that exceed three lines. Line spacing in the body of the text should be 1.5 cm. In quotes with more than three lines, line spacing should be 1.0 (single space). To highlight any part of the text, use bold. Don’t use spaces between brackets. The text must be justified. Pages should not be numbered.


Manuscript’s pretextual parts

a) Centralized title, in CAPITAL LETTERS, in bold, font size 14.

b) Do not include author information in the file if sent. Such information must be informed at the time of submission, on the journal's platform.

          For Articles, Academic essays, Experience reviews and Translations:

a) Resumo (abstract): two lines beneath the author’s data, the word Resumo (in lower case and in boldface) should come followed by colons. It must be written in Portuguese (maximum of 200 words), single spacing between lines, font size 10, Arial.

b) Palavras-chave (keywords): in lower case, in bold. Maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolons (;). A period should be put at the end of the keywords list.

c) Abstract: two lines beneath palavras-chave (keywords). It should be written in English, followed by keywords, observing the rules applied to Resumo, in Portuguese.

d) Resumen: two lines beneath palavras-chave (keywords). It should be written in Spanish, followed by palabras-clave, observing the rules applied to Resumo.

e) The main text should start two lines below palabras-clave.

IMPORTANT: (i) it is suggested that the Resumo focus on theme, objectives, theoretical assumptions of the work, and results achieved. (ii) the author is responsible for reviewing the resumo, abstract or resumen. (iii) Texts whose abstracts present gross deviations of translation, suggesting that digital translation has been used, will be refused by the journal.

NOTE: the three abstracts are mandatory.


Quotation and expressions in the work

a) Until 3 lines long quotations must come between quotation marks following the main text – do no use italics.

b) Quotations longer than 3 (three) lines should appear without quotation marks in a freestanding block, in font size 11 – do not use italics.

c) Expressions in other languages should be in italics.

d) Illustration titles should come below the illustration, in font size 10, in bold and in center. Do not use period in the end of the title. Inside graphs and charts use font size 10 and single space between the lines.

e) Pictures and illustrations should preferably be presented in black and white or in shades of gray. Do not include pictures in very high resolution because it makes the file extremely heavy and they do not bring any significant difference to the final result.

f) The author(s) of the submission must be authorized to reproduce all images. The authorization(s) must be included as supplementary document(s) in the journal.



a) References in the main text should be marked by brackets: indicated year, comma, space, and the page number indicated by “p.” (all between round brackets). References without previous mention of the author’s name: author’s last name in uppercase and year (page optional) – between round brackets. Example: (CÂMARA, 1979, p. 231).

b) The complete references of all works cited in-text must be listed without numbers, before “Attachments” (if it is the case), in a section called “References”, aligned in the left, in bold and only the first letter of the title capitalized.

c) References must be organized according to the alphabetic order of their author’s last name. The author’s last name should come in uppercase, followed by comma and the author’s first names in full or abbreviated (please, choose one standard); books, journals or annals titles should be in bold; articles titles should be in standard lettering; if more than one work from the same author is cited, type a single dash (6 digits and period) instead of the name followed by a period and the title; works from the same author(s) and same year should be distinguished by including a lowercase letter after the year using sequential alphabetic letters – a, b, c....

Look at some examples below:

a) One author

SOUZA, Maria Suzana de Lemos. Guia para redação e apresentação de teses. 2. ed. Belo Horizonte: Coopmed, 2002.

b) Two authors

CERVO, A. L.; BERVIAN, P. A. Metodologia científica. 5. ed. São Paulo: Makron Books, 2002.

c) Three authors

GOMES, P.; PETITO, R.; FORTES, L. Drogas psicotrópicas e seu modo de ação. São Paulo: Romana, 1996.

d) One, two, maximum three authors (publication in journals)

PINHEIRO, A. R. O.; FREITAS, S. F. T.; CORSO, A .C. T. Uma abordagem epidemiológica da obesidade. Rev. Nutrição, Campinas, v. 17, n. 4, p. 523-533, out./dez. 2004.

e) More than three authors

CARVALHO, A. M. et al. Aprendendo Metodologia Científica: uma orientação para alunos de graduação. 2. ed. São Paulo: O nome da Rosa, 2001.  54

f) Repeated author

SOARES, M. Profilaxia e infecção. Rio de Janeiro: Romana, 1995. 125 p.

________. Drogas contagiosas. Rio de Janeiro: Romana, 1996. 205 p.

g) Corporate entity

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 10520: Informação e documentação: citações em documentos: apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

h) Recognized intellectual responsibility

CIANCIARULLO, T. I. et al. (Org.). Sistema de Assistência de Enfermagem: evolução e tendências. São Paulo: Ícone, 2001.

i) Chapter with specific authorship (authorship extracted from a textbook)

SERRA, M. C. A criança queimada. In: GOMES, D.R.; SERRA, M. C. V. F; PELLON, M. A. (eds.). Queimaduras. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter, 1995. p. 41-66.

j) Scientific events (congress, conference, seminars, etc.)

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE UROLOGIA, 15., 1981, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia, 1981. 89 p. 57.

k) Journal articles

TITLER, M. G. et al. Infusing research into practice to promote quality care. Nursing Research, v. 43, n. 5, p. 307-313, 1994.

l) Online documents

BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Política de Saúde. Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição. 2013. Disponível em: <<>> . Acesso em: 25 mar. 2020.

m) Dissertation, thesis and course conclusion paper

JULIANO, A. M. R. Análise de resumos nas dissertações de mestrado em biblioteconomia da PUCCAMP. 1994. 90f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biblioteconomia) – Escola de Biblioteconomia, PUCCAMP, Campinas, 1994.


OBS: All cited works should be included in the references list. For more information, check:, Manual para Normalização da Unifal-MG.pdf (1,4 MB)



Footnotes should be used for explanatory content and to add the original version of translated citations. Do not use them for bibliographic references. Mains text and footnotes should have the same font size and be justified.

IMPORTANT: (i) It is the author’s responsibility to proofread the work before submission. (ii) Submitted works that do not follow this journal’s guidelines will not be forwarded to our Editorial Board.

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided for publication, unavailable for other purposes or third parties.