
  • Anna Laís Schtine Azevedo Furtado UNIFAL-MG
  • Katia Aparecida da Silva Oliveira


Gloria Fuertes; Guerra Civil Espanhola; Poesia; Autobiografia; História.


The literary canon was mostly occupied by men. The emergence of feminist literary criticism allowed access to female´s work authorship, studying and revisiting texts of women who were silenced and/ or excluded from the traditional canon throughout the history of literature. Gloria Fuertes was one of the women of the twentieth century who had their works silenced and forgotten. The poet lived all her life in Spain of the twentieth century, where she lived several experiences of historical importance, such as the Spanish Civil War and the Franquista dictatorship. This work intends to present three autobiographical poems from the book Historia de Gloria: amor, humor y desamor from 1980 that show the experiences and consequences of a military and violent context. To make possible the analysis, we will go through the female literary criticism of Elaine Showalter (1994) to demonstrate the relevance of female authorship in historical-social contexts. In addition, for the relationship of poetry and autobiography we will use authors such as Antonio Candido (1996) and Mikhail Bakhtin (2011). The goals of this work are to demonstrate how her writing allows access to the history of Spain of the twentieth century, and to reinforce the feminine vision in front of these events. Also, we intend to explain how autobiographical poetry reaffirms the identity and memory of individuals and a group.


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How to Cite

Schtine Azevedo Furtado, A. L., & Katia Aparecida da Silva Oliveira. (2024). POESIA, MEMÓRIA E HISTÓRIA EM TRÊS POEMAS AUTOBIOGRÁGICOS DE GLORIA FUERTES. Revista (Entre Parênteses), 12(2). Retrieved from http://publicacoes.unifal-mg.edu.br/revistas/index.php/entreparenteses/article/view/2091