About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The (Entre Parênteses) Journal of Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG) works with a general call for papers on Linguistics and Literary Studies.

Its mission is the publication of original and unpublished works that focus on languages in their different manifestations, with no restrictions to other knowledge areas with which papers can establish dialogues and contribute for the construction of knowledge. It will be accepted for publication papers discussing Linguistics, Literary Studies, and Teaching and Teacher Training related to languages and literature, and those addressing the relations between history, memory, and literature and languages, among other related areas.

Therefore, this journal aims to demonstrate the amplitude of the studies related to the area of Languages (Linguistics or Literature) and promote researches developed recently.

(Entre Parênteses) is interested in publishing articles, reviews, essays and translations by doctors, masters, graduate students and undergraduate students (under supervision of researchers with a Master or PhD title), contributing to the circulation of knowledge related to the areas of Linguistics and Literature.

It accepts scientific articles, academic essays, reviews, experience reports, interviews  and translations that are in accordance to the editorial line and the submission guidelines of this journal.

(Entre Parênteses) Journal’s editorial office works with a general call for papers, with no specific deadline, but also works with regular call for papers for numbers dedicated to specific topics. Deadlines will be set for submissions and, when necessary, extended.

The editorial process average time (from submission to peer reviews, decision and publication) is up to six months. 

Since 2016, the journal has become semiannual and has started to publish thematic issues. Since 2018, it has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in order to attract more visibility to the publications.

Peer Review Process

Papers must be unpublished and submitted with exclusivity to (Entre Parênteses), and sent and evaluated through the Electronic System of Journals Publication (SEER). The evaluation occurs in accordance to the double blind review system and the verification of conflicts of interest. The journal counts with the collaboration of reviewers outside from UNIFAL-MG and from the Editorial Board. The evaluation process follows two steps:

  1. First, the Journal’s editors perform a preliminary evaluation of the paper’s relevance regarding the editorial politics of the Journal, and analyze its adequacy to the proposed textual genre and submission guidelines. The paper can be rejected or forwarded to the evaluation of two peer reviewers.
  2. Second, the paper, without authorship identification, is submitted to the evaluation of two reviewers, who are members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc reviewers. If there’s divergence between those two assessments, a third one is requested. The names of the authors and reviewers are kept secret to avoid external influences.

Reviewers are chosen according to themes and objects of study discussed in the paper. Editors analyze the possibility of conflict of interests between authors and reviewers. From the review sent by the evaluators, one of the three options below will be indicated: 

  1. a) Fully accepted;
  2. b) Accepted with necessary modifications;
  3. c) Rejected.

The result will be sent to the authors. 

(Entre Parênteses) observes the interstice of, at least, twelve months to publish papers by the same author, even if it’s a co-authorship.


(Entre Parênteses) Journal was published annually until 2015. Since 2016, it has adopted the semiannual publication system. It also publishes special issues regarding certain topics or works developed for scientific events from UNIFAL-MG, or from other institutions in partnership with UNIFAL-MG, in the Languages, Linguistics or Literature areas.

Frequency – Semiannual

First volume: the publishing deadline is August 31st.

Second volume: the publishing deadline is December 30th.

The dates refer to the publication of the journal’s issue.

The evaluation of the submitted works takes place within 6 months.

Free Access Policy

(Entre Parênteses) offers immediate free access to its contents in order to contribute to the socialization and democratization of scientific knowledge.

Good practices guidelines to authors and evaluators

1. The Journal follows the policy of good practice in scientific research and writing:

a) It suggests the careful reading of FAPESP Code of Good Scientific Practice available on http://www.fapesp.br/boaspraticas/FAPESP-Codigo_de_Boas_Praticas_Cientificas_2014.pdf

b) It suggests the reading of the recommendations available on:




2. (Entre Parênteses) uses plagiarism identifiers. The detection of plagiarism implies the rejection of the manuscript.

3. The Journal accepts submissions with up to three authors. It differentiates co-authorship from academic advising.

4. The Journal observes the ethical conduct of research involving human subjects.


Conflicts of interest and frequency of submissions

1. Before submitting the manuscript, the author must indicate the possible occurrence of conflict of interest in the session “Comments to the editor”.

2. Evaluators and members of the Advisory Board must declare the absence of conflicts of interest. If there is any conflict, they must reject the evaluation.

3. If it is not possible to solve the conflicts of interest, the Editorial Board will notify the author about the impossibility of evaluation, and the submission will be canceled.

4. The authors responsible for the submission must declare that they have not published any manuscripts in the twelve months before the new submission date.


This Journal, carried out by the group PET Conexões de Saberes – Letras, receives support from the Office of Undergraduate Programs, the Office of Research and Graduate Programs, the Extension Office, and from PET – Tutorial Education Program (SESU/MEC).

Support Sources

About the Journal

The Journal (Entre Parênteses) of Federal University of Alfenas / Alfenas campus was created as an annual publication and of free access to Brazilian and international researchers, interested in subjects related to Linguistics and Literary Studies.

Now, it publishes semiannually original scientific works, based on research relevant to the mentioned areas. They are written by professors, graduate students, and undergraduate students under the advising of a professor, and researchers with master or doctoral degrees.

The Journal was created by the Group PET Conexões de Saberes – Letras due to the necessity of providing a space to the publication of texts produced by undergraduate students of UNIFAL-MG’s Language and Literature course. Within the years, graduate students and researchers from other institutions started to collaborate with the journal, widening its geographic reach. The opening edition in 2012 published only two academic texts produced by students of the Language and Literature course and by members of PET program. In 2013, besides the works submitted through the journal’s system, it published the papers presented at the First Scientific Journey of Language (11/29 to 12/01/2012) of UNIFAL-MG’s Language and Literature course. In 2014 and 2015, it maintained the annual periodicity, but since 2016, the journal started to receive submissions continuously, publishing semiannual editions, special issues and dossiers about specific themes.

In 2018, it started to attribute DOI with the purpose of giving more visibility to the researchers’ works.