Ecofeminismos: rumo a um futuro equitativo e sustentável


  • Brígida Manuela Pastor Pastor UNED/Ministerio de Universidades, España

Palabras clave:

Ecofeminismo. Sustentabilidade. Mulheres. Igualdade. Natureza.


Este artigo pretende fazer um passeio pela gênese do ecofeminismo como um importante ramo do feminismo, que amplia a teoria e a prática feminista ao agregar ao cânone feminista o conhecimento da interconexão entre a dominação da natureza e a dominação das mulheres. Surge numa altura em que alguns dos postulados feministas começam a ficar aquém de representar toda a coletividade, ou porque surgem novas desigualdades apesar dos direitos já conquistados. Em suma, o objetivo do ecofeminismo é propor uma cultura que vá além do que é antropocêntrico em nossa cultura e demonstrar que o gênero feminino está mais relacionado ao meio natural, revelando uma maior responsabilidade na preservação da natureza e seu equilíbrio (ecofeminista) e a promessa de um futuro igualitário e sustentável.

Biografía del autor/a

Brígida Manuela Pastor Pastor, UNED/Ministerio de Universidades, España

I have a Doctorate from the University of Bristol in Hispanic Studies, homologated by Univ. Complutense de Madrid and Univ. de São Paulo (Brazil). Graduated in English Philology, Univ. of Alicante. I was awarded the Certificado I3–Incentive of the Incorporation and Intensification of the Research Activity–outstanding research trajectory. I am currently Honorary Research Fellow at Swansea Univ. and I have held a Senior Lectureship in Hispanic Studies at Glasgow Univ. (1996-2010), following my tenure at the University of Surrey. Nominated for Professorial Chairs in several British universities (Glasgow, Dublin, London, Birmingham, Stirling).
I earned competitive postdoctoral fellowships: Research Visiting Fellowship at the Australian National University, 2002 (Humanities Research Centre-HRC); Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the Univ. de São Paulo, Univ. de Brasilia, Univ. Federal de Goiás, 1995-1996 (CAPES-CGCI, Ministry of Education-Brazil). I was also a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher at CSIC (2010-15)—Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. In addition, I have been invited as a Visiting Researcher/Professor at renowned universities and research centers in the United States, Australia, Europe and Latin America.
I have been a guest and a keynote speaker at numerous and prestigious international congresses and I have organized several national and international conferences and symposia. My coherent research line has achieved several research projects as Principal Investigator (Arts & Humanities Research Council, British Academy, The Carnegie Trust, CAPES-CGCI, Humanities Research Centre—ANU, Ministry of Science and Innovation—framework of the National R+D+i Plan) and as member of competitive national and international research projects.
My research interests focus on Hispanic women writers (XIX-XXI), Gender representation in Cuban and Spanish cinema and Spanish and Latin American children's and youth fiction (XX-XXI). My projects have actively contributed to the state of the art at a global level, with innovative theoretical, empirical and conceptual contributions in the debate of gender in the field of Hispanic Studies, with social impact. I have over hundred notable publications: single author books, edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters and book reviews (Lang, L´Harmattan, Pelgrave, Routledge, Tamesis, Verbum, Romance Quarterly, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Romance Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Journal of Hispanic Studies, among others.). I am also member of the Editorial and Advisory Board of international scientific journals.
I have an ample experience in evaluating projects for ANEP, European Commission and for international and national JCR journals and publishers, as well as examining Doctoral and Master´s theses. I have designed and taught both graduate and postgraduate courses derived from my research. Additionally, I have actively participated and organized social dissemination activities related to my research.
As a result of my research activity, I have received Recognition Awards: «UN Women» for my research contribution to Gender Studies in children's fiction and the award «Chair in Gender Studies»–UNEAC/Institute of Literature and Linguistics «José Antonio Portuondo Valdor» for my relevant contribution to the work of the writer Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and the most recent Prize of Excelência Acadêmica– CECAB granted by the Center for Caribbean Studies in Brazil.


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Cómo citar

PASTOR , Brígida Manuela Pastor. Ecofeminismos: rumo a um futuro equitativo e sustentável. Trem de Letras, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. e023002, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 may. 2024.