Dynamic Mathematics to understand the exponential function


  • Taís Aparecida Faria Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • José Carlos de Souza Júnior Universidade Federal de Alfenas https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0350-6982
  • Andréa Cardoso Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Teacher training, educational computing;, GeoGebra


The study of the exponential function, such as a particular type of real function, is recommended for the Brazilian high school. The importance of this structuring content is due to its application as a model for growth phenomena. But, in school practice, the exponential function has been treated superficially, without emphasis on the different representations, associated concepts and application to real problems. The use of Dynamic Mathematics softwareos to construct the concept of exponential function enables comprehend the graphical behavior, the range of variation, the intercepts and the extremes of this function. The Dynamic Mathematics also allows to establish the relation between coefficients of algebraic representation of a function and the features of the geometric curve represented by it. Motivated by this problem, we developed a mathematics teacher training course. The course aimed to use the capabilities of GeoGebra for
exponential function study, providing opportunities to demonstrate properties of the potentiation
operation, the extension of this to the real numbers and the reconstruction of general function
concept associated to a rate of change, knowledges that maybe not have been consolidated in the
teacher’s school path. This paper aims to discuss the course results realized with the participation
of 20 undergraduates in mathematics and 3 public schools teachers in Alfenas-MG city. Thus,
as a result of qualitative analysis, it was found the effectiveness of Dynamic Mathematics as
educational resource in the investigative methodology of representations in mathematics along
training teachers.


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How to Cite

Faria, T. A., Júnior, J. C. de S., & Cardoso, A. (2016). Dynamic Mathematics to understand the exponential function. Sigmae, 5(1), 1–11. Retrieved from http://publicacoes.unifal-mg.edu.br/revistas/index.php/sigmae/article/view/509



Mathematics Education