Characterization of cases of human anti-rabies care in the city of Maringa PR



anti-rabies treatment, human rabies, Maringa


Among the microbial diseases of the nervous system, there is human rabies, a diseasecaused by a virus, which presents as main characteristic the CNS compromise in the form of encepha-
litis. Its transmission occurs by infected secretions, which reach the body through animal bite or open wound. The incubation period varies on average 45 days in the male and 10 days to 2 months in dogs
and transmission period in dogs and cats, the virus elimination by saliva is 2 to 5 days prior to the
onset of clinical signs, persisting for the entire course of the disease, and the death of the animal occurs,
on average, between 5-7 days after symptoms onset. In the city of Maringa, using a survey of cases of
human rabies carried out by the 15th Regional Health, a characterization of cases of human anti-rabies
consultations that took place in 2012 and will be evaluate possible associations between variables will
be presented: type of animal, injury, number of injuries and location of the injury. It was found that the
profiles of patients is predominantly male, white, with high school and live in the urban area of Maringa. ́
Still, we have to children (0-10 years) most affected are male. In adulthood, the situation is reversed, with
women the most affected. The most common accidents are the dog bites, with only superficial wounds,
with hands and feet parts of the body most affected.

Author Biography

Eric Batista Ferreira, Professor Adjunto IIIInstituto de Ciências ExatasUniversidade Federal de Alfenas

Doutor em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária com Pós-doutorado em Estatística Multivariada


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How to Cite

Correa, M. A., Martins, N. S., Chagas, E. N., & Ferreira, E. B. (2014). Characterization of cases of human anti-rabies care in the city of Maringa PR. Sigmae, 3(2), 16–24. Retrieved from