Transformation of land use and cover in the Cerrado

the impact of the sector agriculture from 1985 to 2020



Anthropism, Biome, Matopiba, Agricultural frontier, Endemism


 Currently, the Cerrado is facing significant threats, primarily due to the agricultural expansion of agribusiness. Despite being Brazil's second-largest biome, boasting rich biodiversity with high endemism and encompassing key hydrographic basins, limited conservation efforts have been directed towards this hotspot. This study aimed to elucidate shifts in land cover and land use in the Cerrado between 1985 and 2020, with a specific focus on agribusiness-driven transformations. Utilizing data from the MapBiomas project (version 6.0), we examined both natural and human-intervened areas within the biome. The study followed a quantitative and descriptive approach and was conducted using R software version 4.0.3. In 1985, natural areas occupied 136 million hectares (M ha), while human intervention covered 62.6 M ha. By 2020, natural areas had diminished to 109.4 M ha (-19.6%), and human intervention had expanded to 89.1 M ha (+42.3%). Three states within the Matopiba region—Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, and Bahia—exhibited the greatest increases in human intervention over the past 36 years, contributing to half of the nation's grain production. Decreasing percentage increases were observed in Bahia (405.62%), Piauí (188.11%), Maranhão (150.08%), Pará (146.71%), and Mato Grosso (103.20%). Notably, in 2021, Bahia experienced floods possibly linked to the removal of vegetation that naturally absorbs water. This study underscores the necessity for more robust conservation policies, encompassing measures against deforestation, satellite-based monitoring programs, and the delineation of the Matopiba region. These actions have the potential to enhance the Cerrado's climatic resilience in the coming decades.

Author Biography

Romay Conde Garcia , National School of Statistical Sciences.

Lecturer of the Postgraduate Program in Population, Territory and Public Statistics.


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15-03-2024 — Updated on 11-04-2024


How to Cite

Oliveira , R. M. de, Raposo , L. M., & Garcia , R. C. (2024). Transformation of land use and cover in the Cerrado: the impact of the sector agriculture from 1985 to 2020. Sigmae, 13(1), 1–12. Retrieved from (Original work published March 15, 2024)