Bivariate association analysis for categorized response variable from the main sampling designs


  • Natália da Silva Martins ESALQ/USP
  • Rosangela Getirana Santana UEM-Universidade Estadual de Maringa


Categorical data, contingency tables, inference, simulation, chi-square test


The main goal of this research is to assess by means of studies and Monte Carlo
simulations how the experimental design interferes in the statistical inferences. In order to do
that, to each type of study (cohort, case-control and transversal), contingency tables were simu-
lated to assess statistics and tests used to identify associated factors to a categorical response
variable. From these tables, association measurements were calculated: relative risk, which is
the risk of an exposed group and the risk of the non-exposed group to a factor in a cohort study
and the odds-ratio, which is a measurement for case-control and transversal studies. As for the
tests, homogeneity and independency the choice must consider the objective and design of the
research. The analysis and tests of the 30000 simulated tables showed no evidence of difference
between the inferences in the cohort, case-control and transversal studies.

Author Biographies

Natália da Silva Martins, ESALQ/USP

Graduada em Estatistica, mestre em Ciencias com area de concentração em Estatistica e Experimentação agronomica, doutoranda em Estatistica.

Rosangela Getirana Santana, UEM-Universidade Estadual de Maringa

Professora Doutora do Departamento de Estatística da Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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How to Cite

Martins, N. da S., & Santana, R. G. (2013). Bivariate association analysis for categorized response variable from the main sampling designs. Sigmae, 2(1), 34–41. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics