education, science teaching, academic research, Unidal-MG, PPGE, Graduate Program in Education


The journal publishes works in two sections: articles and essays. These should be grounded in theories and/or scientific methods and can explore a variety of relevant themes, such as teaching and learning, educational policies, teacher training, and foundations of education.

We accept continuous submissions that are suitable for either section, highlighting that the text must be unpublished, have originality, clarity, and relevance to the area, in addition to not containing parts or the whole with plagiarism or self-plagiarism.

Authors can contact the editorial team to organize dossiers.

The published articles represent exclusively the expression of the authors' point of view and not the position of the Indagações em Educação Journal or the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Alfenas.


1) Papers
This section is dedicated to the publication of texts resulting from theoretical or empirical scientific research in the field of education, including case studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other forms of evidence-based academic syntheses. These academic productions can encompass different methodological approaches and aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and educational practices. This section values deep analyses of the studies, which investigate specific situations to provide detailed insights into educational phenomena, as well as a comprehensive and critical analysis of the existing literature on a particular educational topic or issue. This section seeks to encompass different methodological approaches and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and educational practices.

2) Essays
This section is intended for publishing texts that explore educational issues reflectively and provocatively. Essays in this section are characterized by a personal and subjective approach, allowing authors to express their opinions, insights, and perspectives on relevant topics in the field of education. The aim is to promote dialogue and intellectual debate, encouraging critical analysis and the proposal of new approaches, concepts, or solutions to educational challenges. The Essay section aims to promote critical thinking and open discussion, providing a platform for the expression of different viewpoints and approaches in the field of education.