Adjustment of time series models with intervention to predict gasoline consumption in Brazil



trend, seasonality, SARIMA model;, intervention, forecasts


The gasoline consumption in Brazil has undergone considerable fluctuations over
the years due to several factors, including the launch of flex-fuel vehicles that can be moved by
gasoline, ethanol or a mixture of the two fuels. This work had as main objective to analyze
the behavior of the average gasoline consumption in thousand barrels/day in Brazil through time
series analysis, verify the effect of seasonality, trend and intervention and making forecasts from
the fitted models of Box Jenkins. The data regarding the average monthly consumption of ga-
soline in barrels/day, collected during the period january 1979 to april 2012 were obtained from
the database of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA). Were identified in the study
series on the presence of trend and seasonal components, and models from the Box Jenkins,
SARIMA models that were adjusted appropriately to the data. According to the criterion for se-
lection of models, AIC (Akaike information Criterion), BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)
and MSE (Mean Square Error of Prediction), SARIMA model with the intervention was more appropriate for making forecasts.

Author Biographies

Nádia Giaretta Biase, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Faculdade de Matemática-FAMAT Área: Estatística

Maria Imaculdada de Sousa Silva, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Faculdade de Matemática-FAMAT Área: Estatística


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How to Cite

Biase, N. G., & de Sousa Silva, M. I. (2013). Adjustment of time series models with intervention to predict gasoline consumption in Brazil. Sigmae, 2(1), 23–33. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics