Time Series Methodology as an analysis tool in chicken production in Brazil


  • Denise de Assis Paiva Mestranda em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária do Departamento de Estatística Universidade Federal de Lavras https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5663-0779
  • Ana Claudia Festucci Herval Doutoranda em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária do Departamento de Estatística Universidade Federal de Lavras https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3367-3565
  • Thelma Sáfadi Professora Titular Departamento de Estatística Universidade Federal de Lavras


Time series, broiler slaughter, Box & Jenkins models


The present study presents the analysis of the broiler slaughter series (quantity) from 2000 to 2018. This study is relevant since Brazil is the second largest producer of chicken meat in the world. A useful methodology to analyze these data is the analysis of time series, where it can be verify the increase or decrease of the slaughter over time, adjust models and make satisfactory predictions. For this analysis, the additivity of the model, as the presence of trend and seasonal components are verificated. Modeling of the SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA) class was used. The models considered adequate to the series were compared through the prediction loss functions, the Mean Prediction Error and the Mean Absolute Percentual Error and for the information criteria. It was observed that the number of broiler slaughter presented a growth (apparently linear) by then, starting in 2016, began to decline. In fact, the forecast for 2019 has confirmed that the values tend to decrease. 


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How to Cite

de Assis Paiva, D., Festucci Herval, A. C., & Sáfadi, T. (2019). Time Series Methodology as an analysis tool in chicken production in Brazil. Sigmae, 8(2), 227–237. Retrieved from http://publicacoes.unifal-mg.edu.br/revistas/index.php/sigmae/article/view/978