The Behrens-Fisher Problem

theoretical aspects and applications using Excel



Statistical Hypothesis, Statistical Tests, Rule of Decision, Student’s t-Distribution, Snedecor’s F-Distribution


This work is about the parametric tests used in the comparative analysis of two popu-
lation means of independent samples with unknown variances, also known as the Behrens-Fisher problem. The main objective of this work was to describe, step by step, the methodology used in the case of samples with unknown variances, equal or unequal. The statistical analysis used in this study have a wide field of use in completely different areas, like the determination of efficiency in the use of a new drug in medicine, a market analysis to determine the influence of advertising on sales of a product, and the comparative analysis of efficiency of two machines in a company; i.e., the techniques of statistical inference used in this paper have a wide possibility of use in various situations.


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How to Cite

Almeida, W. R. de, Oliveira, D. C. R. de, & Gonçalves, A. T. (2017). The Behrens-Fisher Problem: theoretical aspects and applications using Excel. Sigmae, 5(2), 19–32. Retrieved from



Applied Statistics