Application of Filas Markovian Theory in User Flow Control


  • Ednário B. Mendonça Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Divanilda M. Esteves Departamento de Estatística, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB


Random variables, measures of performance, queuing system


A queuing system can be defined as a system where “users”reach a Consultation Service, se-
eking some service. Both the interarrival time, as the time to perform the service are random variables. Such randomness makes it impossible to know exactly how will the system at a given time. a goal of
the study is to estimate the rows of parameters involved in the model and calculate some measures of
performance, such as average time that the user is in the queue and mean queue length, considering the
particularities of each case. once you know these measures, it is possible to search efficiently systems
that meet the needs of those looking for the service until the system is idle for long. present study, we
applied the theory of Markov queues to flow of people in a town house lottery Cubati -PB, with the aim
of comparing the performance measures on days that there is benefit payment Bolsa Fam ́ılia with normal
days, that is, where there is no payment of money.


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How to Cite

Mendonça, E. B., & Esteves, D. M. (2015). Application of Filas Markovian Theory in User Flow Control. Sigmae, 2(3), 115–123. Retrieved from