Introduction to the AMMI methodology


  • Carlos T. S. Dias
  • Kuang Hongyu
  • Lúcio B. Araújo
  • Maria Joseane C. Silva
  • Marisol García-Peña
  • Mirian F. C. Araújo
  • Priscila N. Faria
  • Sergio Arciniegas-Alarcón


Genotype × environment interaction, AMMI models


This work is based on the short course “A Metodologia AMMI: Com Aplicacão ao Melhoramento Genetico ”taught during the 58a RBRAS and 15o SEAGRO held in Campina Grande - PB and aim to introduce the AMMI method for those that have and no have the mathematical training. We do not intend to submit a detailed work, but the intention is to serve as a light for researchers, graduate and postgraduate students. In other words, is a work to stimulate research and the quest for knowledge in an area of statistical methods. For this propose we make a review about the genotype × environment interaction, definition of the AMMI models and some selection criteria and biplot graphic. More details about it can be found in the material produced for the Short Course.


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How to Cite

Dias, C. T. S., Hongyu, K., Araújo, L. B., Silva, M. J. C., García-Peña, M., Araújo, M. F. C., … Arciniegas-Alarcón, S. (2024). Introduction to the AMMI methodology. Sigmae, 2(3), 38–56. Retrieved from