People with disabilities

an analysis of the results of the 2010 Census on factors that most influence



disabilities people inclusion, logistic regression model, disability risk index


In order to better include people with disabilities, first of all, it is extremely important to know which factors can most influence the quality of life and inclusion procedures for these people and how it is possible to check whether there is an improvement. Given this scenario, we propose for this work: using data from the 2010 Demographic Census from the complete questionnaire answered with the help of enumerators from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) who collected data from 20635472 selected people who made up the sample, investigate deficiencies in seeing, hearing, moving and mental health and the relationships between related variables from the education, income, family and identification blocks to carry out comparative studies between groups of people with disabilities and others who do not have disabilities. To make it possible to identify which variables present in the previously mentioned blocks are significant in adjusting the different deficiencies, an adjustment was made using a logistic regression model considering the different deficiencies as a response and the variables from the previously mentioned blocks as independent. Finally, with the aim of better monitoring the living conditions of these people, it was proposed to create the disability risk index as a continuous assessment instrument for a better assessment that must be carried out by different powers, whether public or private, for a better response to these people's demands.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, P. T. M. S. (2014). People with disabilities: an analysis of the results of the 2010 Census on factors that most influence. Sigmae, 2(3), 1–23. Retrieved from